Competent, Quality Consulting and Solutions.
Philosophy and Mission

PREJEAN PR Specialist Mission and Philosophy

To create and maintain an image for our clients that is true to their brand through the various tools of public relations and the finest professionals in the industry.

Public Relations --- What's it all about?

Over the past 25 years of practicing public relations from both the corporate and agency dies, we've heard the same questions about public relations time and time again.  It seems that the very profession which professes   to image-build is in dire need of some help. For this reason, we have addressed some commonly asked questions concerning public relations, we have created some Q&A's below:

What is the difference between advertising and public relations?

The major difference is guarantee. When you purchase advertising, you can guarantee the day, location, medium and message you want to send.
In public relations, effort is all that is guaranteed. There is no guarantee on what or anything will be published or broadcast.
In the new social media, such programs as FaceBook and Twitter are offering new opportunities for public relations practitioners.  However, like all media, it must be used strategically and carefully.

If I have more control over advertising, why should I want public relations?

Credibility and costs. First, when a story or picture appears in the paper above the fold or within a newscast or on a blog, the reader tends to take it as a bona fide news item or even, in some cases, as an endorsement.  He or she feels as if an unbiased party has judged your company or product as newsworthy.
Secondly, on the average, the costs of production and placement for just one ad, let alone a year's campaign, can be highly costly. With public relations, thee is no production nor placement costs. . . just time to research, create the message and send it to the media.
However, each client's needs must be addressed individually. Some will benefit from strictly advertising or public relations; others will require a combination of both.

Is public relations limited to publicity?

Good question. It's one that baffles leaders in the advertising/public relations community.  Every agency has it own interpretation.  In most cases, advertising creates, produces and furnishes advertising campaigns, collateral materials, audio/visual presentations and direct mail pieces.
On the other hand, public relations includes publicity (media contacts, feature opportunities, news stories, by-line articles, etc.), the development of an overall image for the company (internal and external newsletters, speaking engagements, etc.), crisis management, special events and many other activities.
It should be pointed out that while advertising and public relations are two different avenues of marketing, their successful teamwork can result in an excellent marketing campaign for the client. 

Does that mean that advertising and public relations should be done by the same agency?

Frankly, no.  It is a rare situation where an agency's advertising and public relations divisions are equal in ability and strength. Most agencies are founded by an individual with a strong background in either one of the two fields.  As time goes by, the founder adopts the other field as a stepchild to provide a "full range of services." Unfortunately, the stepchild never rises above the founder's "favorite child" in terms of standing and clout.

How can I find a good public relations firm?

When you buy a car, you research and shop around. So, do the same in selecting a public relations firm. . . it can save you money, time and future aggravation. Here are some simple steps to be used in finding your public relations firms:
  • Check with comparable companies that you feel have a good image in the community. Eventually, you'll hear three or four pr firms mentioned as great investments. . .  and a dozen to avoid.
  • Contact members of the media.  They'll be flattered that you seek their counsel and give their "unbiased" opinion.
  • When you have set up interviews, ask the firms for a list of references including two or three former clients. These will be invaluable. They'll be veterans of the public relations firm and will be able to tell you how the firm performed, its professionalism, confidentiality and the reason they're no longer with the client.
  • Also, ask for a couple of vendors with which the pr firm works.  See if the firm has a reputation for paying its bills on time, meeting deadlines, etc.
  • Finally, check with your advertising firm or an agency that you trust.  They will "tell it like it is," if they really have your best interest at heart.

PREJEAN PR Specialist
8235 Douglas Ave., Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75225

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 600001, Dallas, TX 75360

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